Michael's House

Celebrate the Achievments of Michael's House

Michael's House Community Day Center provides meals to guests

Providing Aid to the Lives that Others Deemed Hopeless

Michael’s House Inc. began in 2003 as a non-profit grassroots organization to serve the elderly poor in the developing world who have become invisible, who receive no funds from government organizations or other large aid foundations. It is through gifts that they would have a face and dignity in their daily lives.

We endeavored to be good stewards of the contributions of you, our donors. More than 98% of our contributions went to our projects.

The generosity of our supporters has afforded us to care for the destitute elderly in Africa (Ethiopia, Togo, Rwanda, Tanzania, Nigeria, Kenya. Zimbabwe, Uganda, South Sudan, and Burkina Faso), Honduras and Thailand.

Michael's House Day Center in Ethiopia 2006
Michael's House Day Center & delivering mattresses - Addis Ababa 2006

What we Have Accomplished With Your Generosity


PENSIONS for basic sustanance



Pajamas for the men at Ann’s Shelter


BURIAL expenses for the deceased


We have all heard the word serendipity. It seems like a new age word, but it first appeared in 1754 and basically refers to the faculty of making fortunate discoveries by accident. It is like going out to find something we think we know we need and being led by chance to something that would avail us better.
Michael describes how his 2003 trip to Ethiopia was a serendipitous experience.

We are grateful for all who believed in our mission and made Michael's House possible.


Michael's House Guests arriving for a mealSince its inception, the focus and philosophy of Michael’s House Inc., remains the same.  “Empowering Each Other To Help the Elderly Poor In The Developing World”.

AT MICHAEL'S HOUSE, we are passionate about our mission to promote the well-being of the destitute and isolated elderly people in developing countries. These destitute elderly have fallen through the cracks and receive absolutely no financial assistance from existing international aid organizations. We fervently believe that it is only through a collaborative effort of working together as a caring community that we can use our resources, our compassion, and our presence to the greatest outcome. It's empowerment at its best.

"MICHAEL'S HOUSE BEGAN with ordinary people, good friends of good friends and now, you and your friends - tied together only by the shared idea that we could succeed where governments and large organizations have not. We began with the absolute conviction that we could bring hope, dignity, and self-reliance to these poor people who are invisible, silent and without voice in the sunset of their long, hardworking lives". - The Trustees, Volunteers and Benefactors of Michael’s House.

“It is one of the most beautiful compensations of this life that nobody can sincerely try to help another without also helping himself or herself. ”  
-  Ralph Waldo Emerson

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